In October 2023, the senior leadership team at RateMyAgent was chasing profitability goals and had some of these assumptions

<aside> ❓ Can we achieve profitability by dropping the entry price by 74% from $588 to $149 for our core target customers?


<aside> ❓ Would we get more conversion from the freemium pool of our users if we re-packed the product based on the number of reviews per year?


To validate these assumptions and de-risk some existing designs created by one of the squad, I championed a quick validation exercise using the below frame on confidence vs risk


Describe the event/task that required resolution or accomplishment.


Describe what happened including particular focus on the actions YOU took. Focus on the ‘why’ as well as the ‘what’


What happened? What did you accomplish? What did you learn? Think about relationship outcomes as well as task outcomes.